its the last day of the Mollie makes advent calendar today so I though I'd do an update so we have pictures of all of them here.
So last time we got up to day 3. Day 4 was my sausage dog
While this was day 4 on the calendar it was actually the last one I made. I must admit doing that much micro crochet in one go hurts your eyes. By the time I got to this guy I was just hoping and wishing to be finished. He still had a lot of love go into creating him, I just wish I'd put a bobble on his hat.
I think its was this day or the day before that I had an
idea. Mollie Makes had asked me to make 12 designs but there are 24 days
in advent. Why not make 12 more. This is quite possibly the most crazy
idea I have ever had. I had week to make another 12 and these guys are
fiddly. More on that later.
Day 5
Polar bear. I've made a few of these now in different shapes and sizes so this one was pretty easy to figure out. When I've done micro stuff before I've used beads as eyes, I've never been entirely happy with the result. I knew I'd have to sew the eyes on this collection. french knots did not work, far too bumpy. I ended up just over sewing a stitch a few times. It is fiddly though.
Day 6
The smallest of the collection. This is teeny tiny and adorable. I think I'll make another and turn these into earrings when they come home.
Day 7
Swan. I think this is a bit hard to see in this picture. Its a very simple design that was originally going to be more elaborate but I liked this so much I decided it didn't need more. Also make this in pink and make some legs and you've got a flamingo.
Day 8
It all went a bit crazy on unicorn day. So many comments and likes. I think this guy has a pretty large fan base for his tiny form. This is my favorite of the first set.
Day 9 was a little snowman. Making top hats are one of my favorite things to crochet so I'm always happy to whip up a snowman. Hes one of the larger ones in the set and used nearly a full reel of the top-stitch thread. We had run out of the white thread at duttons so I was a bit worried I'd have enough to finish the rest of the makes. There is a lot of white in this set.
Day 10
Penguin, not much to say about this one. I was rushing to get them all done by my deadline and I didn't even think, I just made. He came out alright, he's very plump but there is nothing wrong with that for a penguin.
Day 11
Christmas pudding. I've done a Christmas pudding before but I wanted to simplify it for this collection. The dribble of icing doesn't really show up in this photo but it goes all the way around. You can't have Christmas pudding without all the trimmings can you.
Day 12
Sugarplum mouse. This one is ridiculously cute. Its tiny and perfectly formed. It did take a long time to make as it was one of the first and I still wasn't in the groove for micro crochet. I'm more than happy with the results.
So that was it the Molliemakes advent calendar over. The plan had been to encourage people to purchase the patterns they had missed and so support independent designers. I had a right rush reformatting and posting all the patterns in my etsy pattern shop so they were available on the 13th. Long days sitting in fount of a computer is not my idea of fun but hey ho, they are all done and you can go have a look here.
I had a short deadline and getting this first 12 made was really hard work but it was enjoyable at the same time. When I was finished I needed a real rest from micro crochet and so I stuck a sticker on my workbox saying Do not open till 2017.
Only a few days later I was making a gift and decided it needed some tiny crochet flowers. I opened the workbox. The I had been making some snowflakes for The York Makery window display and I decided to try making a micro crochet snowflake. I finished that and started making a tiny stocking. this crochet lark is very addictive.
So I had two new micro crochet designs and the Advent calendar was on day 4 and going well so I thought, well I only need to make another 10 and I can complete the 24 days of advent.
Well that there was the the most stupid idea I have every had. Its really not easy making 12 micro crochet designs in week and it will send you blind. I was so used to concentrating on the tiny crochet that when I looked up my world had gone pixelated. I'd committed myself to it so I just battled on.
It was worth it in the end the second set are just as lovely as the first. I'm just gonna dash through as this post is getting really long.
Tangerine :)
Festive owl. This was going to have a harry potter theme but I didn't have a burgundy thread. I need to invest in some more topstitch colours.
Reindeer. I know, cute right x
Sprout - can not tell you how much it made me giggle when I made this. I am such a child.
Whale - I know not Christmas, but the first set had a swan and a unicorn and I though a whale would be cute, and I had a half made one but I still had to remake it cause I was using a different hook size. So anyway a whale.
All together.
All 24 patterns are now in my etsy pattern shop a single pattern is £2.50 this is the cheapest I can make it because of listing fees. A set of 12 is £12.50 and you can get the full set of 24 for just £20, Thats less than £1 a pattern.
Enjoy. Have a nice Christmas xxx
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Saturday, 3 December 2016
Mollie makes advent
A few weeks ago I was asked to design 12 new micro crochet characters for Mollie makes to use for a digital advent calendar.
I was given a list of what they wanted and the brief that they should be small enough to fit in a standard matchbox.
Time to get out my micro crochet work box.
For my micro crochet I use gutterman top stitch sewing thread. It thick enough to handle without it getting too fiddly.
It had been that long since I'd done any micro crochet that the first piece took a long time to create. you really need to get your eye in with it. After the first piece I was back to my old speed and managed to get the rest completed in time for the deadline.
Micro crochet is more difficult that using standard yarn but the results are so adorable I think its worth the extra effort.
The patterns all work with DK yarn and a 3.5mm hook and will produce a larger size ornament.
Mollie make released the taster for the calendar on Wednesday.
Each pattern is available from Mollie makes online for 24 hours only. There are 12 designs in total. If you miss any of the patterns they will be available in my pattern shop on the 13th of December (after the advent calendar finished) individually or as a set.
day one
Christmas tree
This is made with my special overworking technique to give it the lovely texture. Finished with seed beads and a red pot.
Day 2 pear
This one was the first one I made and as I said before it too a long time. I think because of this, its more precious to me. I love getting a shape perfect and this it just spot on. You add a gold leaf if you wanted it to be more festive or a bit of blusher dusted on one side would give it a nice rosy look.
Day 3 gingerbread man
I didn't know how this one was going to work out. I struggled to visualize it. That happens sometimes and when my head is working on 12 new patterns all at once, something gotta give. Should I make it flat like a cut out cookie or round in the amigurumi style?? In the end I didn't think, I just made it and it worked. I think the icing makes it. Its pretty easy to do aswell. you just run the white thread around the grooves in-between the rows of stitches. I was going to add more colours and gum drop buttons but in the end the simple look worked better.
I like this little guy.
Its a surprise for me too, this advent calendar, as I've no idea what design is coming up next. There are some good ones though so stay tuned.
Remember -
Its all happening on Mollie makes facebook page and online
Each pattern is available free for 24 hours only. Each new pattern is released on facebook at about 11.15am each day.
After the advent calendar is over - Tuesday 13th December the patterns will be on sale in my pattern shop
many thanks to Mollie makes for the use of the photos
I was given a list of what they wanted and the brief that they should be small enough to fit in a standard matchbox.
Time to get out my micro crochet work box.
For my micro crochet I use gutterman top stitch sewing thread. It thick enough to handle without it getting too fiddly.
It had been that long since I'd done any micro crochet that the first piece took a long time to create. you really need to get your eye in with it. After the first piece I was back to my old speed and managed to get the rest completed in time for the deadline.
Micro crochet is more difficult that using standard yarn but the results are so adorable I think its worth the extra effort.
The patterns all work with DK yarn and a 3.5mm hook and will produce a larger size ornament.
Mollie make released the taster for the calendar on Wednesday.
Each pattern is available from Mollie makes online for 24 hours only. There are 12 designs in total. If you miss any of the patterns they will be available in my pattern shop on the 13th of December (after the advent calendar finished) individually or as a set.
day one
Christmas tree
This is made with my special overworking technique to give it the lovely texture. Finished with seed beads and a red pot.
Day 2 pear
This one was the first one I made and as I said before it too a long time. I think because of this, its more precious to me. I love getting a shape perfect and this it just spot on. You add a gold leaf if you wanted it to be more festive or a bit of blusher dusted on one side would give it a nice rosy look.
Day 3 gingerbread man
I didn't know how this one was going to work out. I struggled to visualize it. That happens sometimes and when my head is working on 12 new patterns all at once, something gotta give. Should I make it flat like a cut out cookie or round in the amigurumi style?? In the end I didn't think, I just made it and it worked. I think the icing makes it. Its pretty easy to do aswell. you just run the white thread around the grooves in-between the rows of stitches. I was going to add more colours and gum drop buttons but in the end the simple look worked better.
I like this little guy.
Its a surprise for me too, this advent calendar, as I've no idea what design is coming up next. There are some good ones though so stay tuned.
Remember -
Its all happening on Mollie makes facebook page and online
Each pattern is available free for 24 hours only. Each new pattern is released on facebook at about 11.15am each day.
After the advent calendar is over - Tuesday 13th December the patterns will be on sale in my pattern shop
many thanks to Mollie makes for the use of the photos
Saturday, 26 November 2016
We have a very exciting even happening in York this festive season. For the first time we are having a living advent calendar. 24 of York's independent shops and eatery's are revealing a special window display each day of advent.
The lovely York makery have day 17 and they have asked for donations of snowflakes in any craft to create their festive masterpiece.
With this in mind I thought I would publish my own snowflake crochet pattern free of charge. This is for any use but I'm sure The York Makery would be very grateful if you send some snowflakes their way :)
For these snowflakes I've used the James C brett Noodles in white with a 4.5mm hook. Its a chunky and gives a lovely finish.
It will work well in any other yarn but drop down to a 3.5mm hook if you use DK weight yarn.
If you have enjoyed this pattern you can find more of my seasonal pattern in the holidays section of my Etsy pattern shop.
The lovely York makery have day 17 and they have asked for donations of snowflakes in any craft to create their festive masterpiece.
With this in mind I thought I would publish my own snowflake crochet pattern free of charge. This is for any use but I'm sure The York Makery would be very grateful if you send some snowflakes their way :)
For these snowflakes I've used the James C brett Noodles in white with a 4.5mm hook. Its a chunky and gives a lovely finish.
It will work well in any other yarn but drop down to a 3.5mm hook if you use DK weight yarn.
Abbs UK
Ch – chain
Dc – double crochet
Tr – treble crochet
Dt- double treble crochet
Instructions for small snowflake is in brackets after stitch
count for large
Starting in yarn required 8dc {6dc) into magic ring. 8sts
Rnd 1: Ch {3 count as first tr and 1ch}, tr in same st,
(ch1, tr in next st, ch1, tr in same st) repeat around, ch1, sl st to join.
16tr 16 ch spaces {12tr 12ch spaces}
Rnd 2: (2dc in next ch sp) repeat around. 34sts {24sts}
Rnd 3: (ch6, skip next st, dc in the next st) repeat around.
16ch loops {12ch loops}
Rnd 4: sl st in next 3ch to centre of first loop, ch 3, (
[2tr, ch3, sl st in 3rd ch from hook, dt, ch5, sl st in 5th
ch from hook, dt, ch3, sl st in 3rd ch from hook, 2tr] in next ch
space, ch3, dc in next ch space, ch 3)repeat around, sl st to join
Fasten off and weave in any loose ends. Press flat and block
if required.
All they need now is a bit of glitter x
If you have enjoyed this pattern you can find more of my seasonal pattern in the holidays section of my Etsy pattern shop.

Thursday, 13 October 2016
amigurumi class
Quick post to let you know I have another class at The York Makery next Saturday 22nd October
We will be making one of my favorite designs and my most popular pattern in my pattern store.
For the class we'll be making the smallest size hedgehog. I made a couple of samples, including and albino hedgehog. Instead of using cotton yarn we'll be using a lovely aran by James C Brett which gives them a lovely finish and doesn't split as much so its easy to work with.
If you want to join us, you need to be able to get to York, UK on 22nd October
You need to have basic crochet skills and bring along a 4.5mm hook. All other materials will be provided. Its a 4 hour class for only £25 and it will be great fun.
There are still a few places left and you can book by emailing
We will be making one of my favorite designs and my most popular pattern in my pattern store.
It has been punished in simply crochet magazine and was featured on the stunning autumn wreath by Lucy at Attic24
You need to have basic crochet skills and bring along a 4.5mm hook. All other materials will be provided. Its a 4 hour class for only £25 and it will be great fun.
There are still a few places left and you can book by emailing
Thursday, 22 September 2016
The big reveal
I have mentioned that I've been working on some new designs for James C Brett and finally they are all finished and I can show them off to you.
The first are all super sized amigurumi made in the James C Brett flutterby chunky.
The first is Sunshine the giraffe
Named by my nephew Hector. I had made Sunshine to take with me to my meeting with James C Brett and he did look a bit funny sticking out of my bag on my way there.
Thats my bag full of samples. I'd only made one toy as I was asked to design more home-ware patterns.
Sunshine worked his magic and I was asked to create three more large amigurumis to go with him and two Christmas amigurumis. I was very happy about this.
So next I made Rory (also named by Hector Morrison).
I had seen this multicoloured flutterby chunky when I'd been given a tour of the Brett factory. I knew as soon as I saw it that I was going to use it for a lions mane. It turned out just how I wanted it. Its not in my nature to have favorites but Rory has a very special place in my heart.
Well we had a lion and a giraffe so of course next we needed an elephant. Meet Elle.
This is the simplest of these large amigurumi patterns but she's still adorable and lovely to make.
The last of the group was more difficult to decide and on the day of the meeting we couldn't decide. I thought panda, snake, turtle... Then I saw a flamingo in my head and that was that.
This is Flo. I'm pretty in love with this design. I had so much fun making it. It is huge, nearly life size. It looks lovely standing up in this photo but if you every meet her she is a big floppy cuddle monster.
Next are the Christmas designs. I don't think its too early to mention the C-word now, we should all be get are Christmas crafts on now and these will make great presents and they are easy and fun to make.
Rudolf the reindeer.
Jamie from James C Brett was very excited about wanting a reindeer. I wanted it to be really cute and I actually changed direction on this a few times. I was going to do the head so it was more realistic but I'm glad I when this was in the end. I think he's lovely and I hope he will be a popular design for Brett.
Last but not least is Frosty the snowman.
A simple traditional design, I'm happy with this one. This is such an easy one to make but it looks really impressive and its so soft and large. It defiantly worth a go to get you in the Christmas mood.
These patterns are available from any good yarn shops as paper pattern rather than digital downloads.
Purple Linda are stocking them all and if you follow this link it will take you straight to them.
I didn't just make toy designs as I'd been asked for home-wares.
Before I when to the meeting with James C Brett, Jamie sent me a huge bag of their yarns "to play with" :)
I got a ball of every colour in the Noddles and this made me very happy as I was itching to "play" with this new yarn perfect for crochet.
The result of my messing around was this set of cushion designs.
This picture doesn't really show how lovely and bright the Noodles yarns are. You only need one ball of each colour and a few more of grey to make all the cushions. These feel really nice too and they won't snag or go fluffy and bobbley so they will last and look good for a really long time.
The next set of patterns started with me wanting to make a bunny snuggle blanket.
I loved all the colours in the Baby marble and as I was making the blanket I got the idea to make the cardigan. I've added scallop edging to each item in the set to tie it all together. Cardigan sizes from baby to 12 months and the flower can be sewn to the cardi or the hat.
Well I'd made one blanket and I was really enjoying playing with the colours of Baby marble DK so I made three more to form this set.
The blue one is a mix of a granny square and a full square to create what I call a granny cross. The yellow is a 12 pointed star blanket. I know there are other star blankets out there but I don't think anyone has done a 12 pointed one before so I pushed the boat out. Plus you now have a reason to buy a pom pom maker. Last is a very traditional granny with a bobble edge which gives it a little twist. each of these blankets take three balls of the Baby marble DK.
Last up is my magic monsters.
This was designed along with the blanket to be a set. You buy the yarn for the blanket and you will have enough left to make all the toys.
The blanket is made using pixel crochet and is made in squares that are then sewn together so its a lot simpler than it looks and is a really enjoyable long project.
So thats it. Thats what I've been up to for the last 4 months. I'm very proud of my designs, so I hope everyone else likes them and they sell well for James C Brett.
If you want to see more of my designs you can check out my etsy shop by following this link now
This weekend is Yarndale and if your going I'll be hanging out the knit and natter on and off on Saturday afternoon, so if you spot me do say hello, its always lovely to meet people who like my work :)
The first are all super sized amigurumi made in the James C Brett flutterby chunky.
The first is Sunshine the giraffe
Named by my nephew Hector. I had made Sunshine to take with me to my meeting with James C Brett and he did look a bit funny sticking out of my bag on my way there.
Thats my bag full of samples. I'd only made one toy as I was asked to design more home-ware patterns.
Sunshine worked his magic and I was asked to create three more large amigurumis to go with him and two Christmas amigurumis. I was very happy about this.
So next I made Rory (also named by Hector Morrison).
I had seen this multicoloured flutterby chunky when I'd been given a tour of the Brett factory. I knew as soon as I saw it that I was going to use it for a lions mane. It turned out just how I wanted it. Its not in my nature to have favorites but Rory has a very special place in my heart.
Well we had a lion and a giraffe so of course next we needed an elephant. Meet Elle.
This is the simplest of these large amigurumi patterns but she's still adorable and lovely to make.
The last of the group was more difficult to decide and on the day of the meeting we couldn't decide. I thought panda, snake, turtle... Then I saw a flamingo in my head and that was that.
This is Flo. I'm pretty in love with this design. I had so much fun making it. It is huge, nearly life size. It looks lovely standing up in this photo but if you every meet her she is a big floppy cuddle monster.
Next are the Christmas designs. I don't think its too early to mention the C-word now, we should all be get are Christmas crafts on now and these will make great presents and they are easy and fun to make.
Rudolf the reindeer.
Jamie from James C Brett was very excited about wanting a reindeer. I wanted it to be really cute and I actually changed direction on this a few times. I was going to do the head so it was more realistic but I'm glad I when this was in the end. I think he's lovely and I hope he will be a popular design for Brett.
A simple traditional design, I'm happy with this one. This is such an easy one to make but it looks really impressive and its so soft and large. It defiantly worth a go to get you in the Christmas mood.
These patterns are available from any good yarn shops as paper pattern rather than digital downloads.
Purple Linda are stocking them all and if you follow this link it will take you straight to them.
I didn't just make toy designs as I'd been asked for home-wares.
Before I when to the meeting with James C Brett, Jamie sent me a huge bag of their yarns "to play with" :)
I got a ball of every colour in the Noddles and this made me very happy as I was itching to "play" with this new yarn perfect for crochet.
The result of my messing around was this set of cushion designs.
This picture doesn't really show how lovely and bright the Noodles yarns are. You only need one ball of each colour and a few more of grey to make all the cushions. These feel really nice too and they won't snag or go fluffy and bobbley so they will last and look good for a really long time.
The next set of patterns started with me wanting to make a bunny snuggle blanket.
I loved all the colours in the Baby marble and as I was making the blanket I got the idea to make the cardigan. I've added scallop edging to each item in the set to tie it all together. Cardigan sizes from baby to 12 months and the flower can be sewn to the cardi or the hat.
Well I'd made one blanket and I was really enjoying playing with the colours of Baby marble DK so I made three more to form this set.
The blue one is a mix of a granny square and a full square to create what I call a granny cross. The yellow is a 12 pointed star blanket. I know there are other star blankets out there but I don't think anyone has done a 12 pointed one before so I pushed the boat out. Plus you now have a reason to buy a pom pom maker. Last is a very traditional granny with a bobble edge which gives it a little twist. each of these blankets take three balls of the Baby marble DK.
Last up is my magic monsters.
This was designed along with the blanket to be a set. You buy the yarn for the blanket and you will have enough left to make all the toys.
The blanket is made using pixel crochet and is made in squares that are then sewn together so its a lot simpler than it looks and is a really enjoyable long project.
So thats it. Thats what I've been up to for the last 4 months. I'm very proud of my designs, so I hope everyone else likes them and they sell well for James C Brett.
If you want to see more of my designs you can check out my etsy shop by following this link now
This weekend is Yarndale and if your going I'll be hanging out the knit and natter on and off on Saturday afternoon, so if you spot me do say hello, its always lovely to meet people who like my work :)
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
I very short post. I have been hinting for a while at my BIG news and it looks like I'm gonna be able to tell you this next week.
Till then I'll just leave my Duttons bear here to give you ideas...
Till then I'll just leave my Duttons bear here to give you ideas...
Sunday, 21 August 2016
Dino Class update
Just a quick post today to catch up on the Dino class I did at York makery a few weeks ago.
This was the first time I'd taught a class and we'd decided to go for the dino pattern. I created a simplified version of my original dino patterns and we used the Noodles yarn by James C brett.
I'm stealing The York Makerys photo as I didn't take any on the day. I had a great time and I hope everyone else did. It was really interesting to see how different everyone crochets.
Not everyone finished their dino in the class but we covered all the bits needed to finish them at home. Some of the finished dino are in the photo above.
My next class is in October. We'll be making hedgehogs. The details will be on the York makerys page
Now I know the country is going mad about Pokemon Go. I can't play as I have a windows phone so I can't get the app.
I wanted to make some micro crochet earrings for a friend who was playing and this was the result.
She was very happy with them and has had lots of comments so I've decided to make a few more pairs and pop the in my etsy shop along with some more nerdy micro crochet jewelry I'll be making.
You can follow this link to my etsy shop if you want to see more
thats it for today. Happy crocheting xxx
This was the first time I'd taught a class and we'd decided to go for the dino pattern. I created a simplified version of my original dino patterns and we used the Noodles yarn by James C brett.
I'm stealing The York Makerys photo as I didn't take any on the day. I had a great time and I hope everyone else did. It was really interesting to see how different everyone crochets.
Not everyone finished their dino in the class but we covered all the bits needed to finish them at home. Some of the finished dino are in the photo above.
My next class is in October. We'll be making hedgehogs. The details will be on the York makerys page
Now I know the country is going mad about Pokemon Go. I can't play as I have a windows phone so I can't get the app.
I wanted to make some micro crochet earrings for a friend who was playing and this was the result.
She was very happy with them and has had lots of comments so I've decided to make a few more pairs and pop the in my etsy shop along with some more nerdy micro crochet jewelry I'll be making.
You can follow this link to my etsy shop if you want to see more
thats it for today. Happy crocheting xxx
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